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Over the last ten years of working through the effects of trauma, we have greatly

benefited from the herbal, homeopathic and energetic medicines offered by

Naturemed. Naturemed is a natural medicine company based in Austria with a

long tradition in sourcing and creating energised complex compounds that act

in a similar fashion to traditional nosode therapy.

Developed by Dr Dagmar Zidek, a brain surgeon and psychiatrist, the remedies work directly on the nervous system and assist in integrating traumatic experiences. Some generic remedies can be supplied at short notice while those e based on individual analysis will take a bit longer to produce. Please contact us for a list of readily available remedies or for more information on individually produced medicines.


Mind Relaxation: Synctuition


We would like to recommend an App that takes you on spiritual journeys for about 30 minutes. By    using the amazing power of 3D sound, Synctuition goes far beyond meditative relaxation providing an immersive mind travel experience that cannot be compared to any other audio mediation in the world. This App has helped us to take some time out of our busy days and to find our inner resilient core again. For more information, please click on the left symbol.

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